One of the things I have learnt to do while learning a new language is to not understand the exact meaning of certain words, I just can't be bothered to look up the word in the dictionary, especially if it is not used very often; also, as long as I get a vague idea of its meaning I don't really care.
In the book 'Twenty Something" that I read, there was a bit when the character goes to South America and gets ill with the food. Quoting his phrase he said something like:
I have been to the toilet 28 times in the last 24 hours. 5 blessed times I didn't know whether to squat or kneel.
I didn't really understand the word squat, but last week as I was trying to find a place to stay the night, I found the description of a hotel that said squat toilet. I asked, what is "squat toilet", and I was just told: the toilets you have been using in Morocco. Just a hole in the floor where everything goes.
At the beggining I kind of thought squat was just a synonym of sitting, but now I have realised its entire meaning. The legs bend more than just sitting, but not too long so you are crouching. Definitely a word I will never forget.
In other quick news, I got ill by eating some disgusting chicken sandwich on a 9 hour train, for me it was just one blessed time not knowing whether to squat or kneel.
A mi me pasa exactamente lo mismo... hay palabras que no se exactamente que significan, aunque tengo una idea, pero el significado exacto, no...
ahora q lo pienso, squat son los ejercicios que hago en el gimnasio, son como hacer sentadillas...
y ahora que lo mencionas tiene toda la logica del mundo, porque me imagino que para hacer algo en un bano como este uno se tiene que poner como en "squats"...
Esa gente debe tener las piernas duras... jajaja...
Hey there . . .
Squat es como lo que llamariamos "acuclillarse" . . .
Asi tiene sentido "squat toilet"
Por otro lado me doy cuenta como escribes con expresiones propias del inglés británico:
I got ill . . . aca se usa mas . . I got sick
Learnt . . . Aca se usa learned . . .
Ese uso del nt al final del verbo, aca no la perdonan.
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